Welcome to Grabfeed’s documentation!

Python package to detect and return RSS feeds for a given website. It has been tested with major blogging platforms.

  1. You enter a URL.
  2. Grabfeed detects and returns RSS feed URL for the website.

Getting Started with Grabfeed

Install it with pip:

pip install grabfeed

Sample Code:

An example code to run Grabfeed and return RSS feed:

from grabfeed.grabber import return_rss
rss_feed = return_rss('http://techcrunch.com')
# output: http://techcrunch.com/feed/

Tested platforms:

  • Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, Ghost, Svbtle and Medium
  • Works with most of the blogs on the web even though they are not be built with above platforms.
  • Support for:
    • Python 2.6
    • Python 2.7
    • Python 3.2
    • Python 3.3
    • Python3.4
    • And even Pypy!
  • 100% test coverage